- Be quiet.
- Be invisible
- Be prompt
- Be clean
- Work hard
- Ask for nothing
- Pay your bills
- Obey the law of the land
- Mind your own business
- Teach those in your charge to do the same
"I love this movie." "Me too", she said passing the popcorn". " The '80s version is better. I like Barbara better in this one". "I thought you didn't care much for zombie movies. But you have opinions about two, the original and the remake?". " I've learned a lot about life and human nature from zombie movies. It brings the world down to the basic elements of life. "Now, take the government that develops in this movie". I don't even remember his name, but he was the brother. That doesn't mean much today, but the original script was written in the '60s. Male-dominated, so she wasn't even listened to. Next thing you know, the brother is dead and Barbara is on her own. " The next government is formed in the farm house. Barbra walks to the farm house. There are a few zombies there, but a man who has fought the zombies joins her. He takes charge, because he knows how to handle it. They...
Good summary of how fear works on the populace.