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 "I love this movie."

"Me too", she said passing the popcorn".

" The '80s version is better.  I like Barbara better in this one".  

"I thought you didn't care much for zombie movies.  But you have opinions about two, the original and the remake?".

" I've learned a lot about life and human nature from zombie movies.  It brings the world down to the basic elements of life.

"Now, take the government that develops in this movie".  I don't even remember his name, but he was the brother.  That doesn't mean much today, but the original script was written in the '60s.  Male-dominated, so she wasn't even listened to.  Next thing you know, the brother is dead and Barbara is on her own.

" The next government is formed in the farm house.  Barbra walks to the farm house.  There are a few zombies there, but a man who has fought the zombies joins her.  He takes charge, because he knows how to handle it.  They find out there are five more people in the house:  A man named Cooper, his wife and daughter, and two teenagers who know the house.

"Cooper and the man who had fought the zombies get into a turf war over strategy.  The man who has experience in battle and the man that that wants to hide with his family.  While these two argued, the two teenagers knew there was a set of keys to a gas pump on the farm place.  But no one listened to Barbara's observation.

" They're so slow.  We could walk right past them".

"Unheeded, Barbara takes up a shot gun and gets proficient in a hurry.  That was until Cooper wrenches her gun from her hands just before the carnage begins.  With the teens dead from stupidity, the zombie fighter losing it in the basement, and Cooper hid away in the attic with his family, Barbara is left alone walking into the third government.  Paramilitary anarchy.  

"The police rescue her.  But she finds, " that we've become them and they've become us".

"Meaning they, to police and those deputies were torturing the zombies.  By the end of the thing Barbara kills Cooper".

So what does that have to do with government?

In government quiet common sense is a rarity.  People fight, argue, and the loudest mouths are the ones a that are heard.  

While the simplest, most peace--honoring positions are ignored.  And the reasonable are forced into conflict.


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